“Forever Loved, Never Forgotten”

The Navy Gold Star Program is eternally grateful for the sacrifice of those Service Members who have died in service to our country. To help us to never forget, we have set up this tribute page to honor and remember the memory of those lives. If you would like to honor the memory of your Sailor, Soldier, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman through the Navy Gold Star website please submit your thoughts and a photo.

Sabrina, my beautiful blued-eyed angel.  

You greeted this world wide awake at 6:00 a.m. on the dot.  You used to love to read before you could “actually” read.  You loved to sing, dance and you were quite the little actress. Snowboarding, fishing, camping and most outdoor sports were among your many interests.  You rarely turned down an opportunity to volunteer, complete a puzzle, play a board game or accept a challenge to a game of spades. You had a passion for photography as well as crafting and crocheting.  You were a runner and completed the Seattle “Rock N Roll” half-marathon. 

You never accepted anything less than an “A” grade on your assignments, received your Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and were on your way to achieving your Master’s in Forensic Psychology.

I grew to realize that you had found your niche in the Army; receiving several awards, decorations and medals, most notably, the Eighth Army Soldier of the Year Award and the Meritorious Service Medal.

You never missed an opportunity to make someone else smile.

You loved your country, the Army, the JAG, your soldiers, animals (stuffed or otherwise), your friends, your family and especially your daughter.

I have always been so proud of you and feel incredibility blessed to be your Momma.  You were the most amazing daughter and a beautiful soul!

I thank God for every minute I had with you.  As long as I live, I will search for moments of you in my memories.