“Forever Loved, Never Forgotten”

The Navy Gold Star Program is eternally grateful for the sacrifice of those Service Members who have died in service to our country. To help us to never forget, we have set up this tribute page to honor and remember the memory of those lives. If you would like to honor the memory of your Sailor, Soldier, Marine, Airman or Coast Guardsman through the Navy Gold Star website please submit your thoughts and a photo.

Lance Corporal Eugene C. Mills, III called Gene by family and Gino by most of his military friends, grew up in Laurel, Maryland. He was born on November 19, 1990 to Theresa and Gene Mills. Gene loved his country as much as his family and decided when the twin towers fell on September 11, 2001 that he would join the military and its mission to defend our Country against terrorism. At the age of 17, he went to boot camp at Parris Island, SC to become a United States Marine. After graduating boot camp, he went to SOI and Security Forces training and ultimately was assigned to 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Lejeune, NC. His first deployment was with Charlie Company in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. His second and final deployment was with 1/8, Bravo Company where he became a squad leader. On June 22, 2012 during combat operations and with less than one month remaining of their deployment, 1/8 Bravo Co. encountered enemy forces in Sangin Valley, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. LCpl Mills was killed by enemy small fire. His final resting place is in Section 60, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia. Gene's decorations include: Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, Navy & Marine Corps Achievement medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Iraq/Afghanistan Campaign Medal and the National Defense Service Ribbon A portion of I-95 is dedicated to Lance Corporal Mills and his sign is located between Routes 198 and 216 in Laurel, Maryland.